
HSE Secondment Policy and Procedure came into effect from 31st March 2023 and forms the basis for any sanctioned internal/external secondment arrangements. The contact person is Ruth McGuinness –

1.       HR Circular 010 2023 Revised HSE Secondment Policy & Procedure

This Policy covers all employees in the HSE who have completed their probationary period. This policy also applies to the management of external secondment arrangements of HSE staff and inward secondment arrangements with individuals from external organisations.

2.       HSE Secondment Policy & Procedure

This policy and procedure sets out to ensure a structured, systematic and consistent approach to be adopted in relation to the management of secondment arrangements. It sets out the arrangements to be followed where an HSE employee is seconded to an external organisation and outlines the principles to be adhered to for inward secondments. An outward secondment is an arrangement whereby an HSE employee is facilitated to transfer on a temporary basis to an external organisation. An inward secondment is an arrangement where an employee from an external organisation is facilitated to transfer on a temporary basis to the HSE.

3.       Secondment Recoupment Set-Up Form

The revised policy, informed by internal audit report recommendations, strengthens the governance and administration arrangements around secondments. To this end a revised secondment recoupment form has been developed. This Form is to be used where a Secondment arrangement has been agreed. It must be completed and submitted to the appropriate Finance Department so the recoupment of funds process can be put in place according to HR Circular 10/2023. A signed copy of the Secondment Agreement must be included with this form before forwarding to Finance.