Privacy Policy

Data Protection Acts (the Acts) require that personal data must be obtained for a

specified purpose, and must not be disclosed to any third party except in a manner

compatible with that purpose. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a

European directive relating to data protection that was adopted on 27 April 2016 and

came into effect on 25 May 2018. It replaces the data protection directive from


collected and held for purposes compatible with the Acts. seeks to assure

users that their information will be treated strictly on a need-to-know basis by

staff., stores data on a secure server. This data storage is in compliance with Section 2(b)

(vii) of the Acts that allows for the processing of sensitive data for medical purposes by health

professionals. This is the legal basis relied upon to process your data.

As teaching hospitals with significant academic interests, and belief in academic study

furthering medical knowledge and ultimately benefiting patients, we may use data generated on the site

for research purposes. These data will always be anonymised. The Acts provide that such

uses of data are permitted, even where the subject was not informed in advance,

provided that no damage or distress is likely to be caused to the individual.

The Acts permit us to pass on anonymised or aggregate data, from which individual

subjects cannot be identified. Should it be necessary to pass on individual data, including

identifying details, for research purposes, subject consent will be obtained, in advance.

As a data controller, the Director of Research may use a unique coding, which falls

short of actually identifying the subject, to allow data to be evaluated and undertakes to ensure

that any researcher should not be in a position to associate the dataset provided with an identifiable

individual or group. seeks to ensure that any personal data are secure and used only for administering

research, any other use will be specifically requested.

Your data are held in a secure database with restricted access. will ensure the

protection of the confidentiality, integrity and security of all data provided to it. No

information will be disclosed if it is the view of that to do so would be a

breach of GDPR. Data are kept for a minimum of 7 years for regulatory and auditing
