Supporting research projects from small studies to multi-centre international trials
About us
The Research Directorate aims to provide streamlined access to professional advice, expert regulatory support, and research infrastructure to our clinical staff. We work in partnership with the University of Limerick.
What we do
Supporting research projects from small student studies to complex interventional investigations and multi-centre international trials, The Research Directorate provides a single point of entry for researchers
The Directorate ensures all research governance and regulatory requirements are met and fulfils legal, ethical, and scientific obligations.
Our mission
The Directorate’s mission is to facilitate reliable, high quality, and innovative clinical research which improves health outcomes for the people of the Mid West and beyond.
Research Directorate within the HSE
The Research Directorate is responsible for overseeing and managing all aspects of clinical research activities within the organisation. It involves the strategic planning, operational leadership of research activities and ensures compliance with all regulatory standards. The directorate is principally involved in advancing scientific knowledge, medical treatments while maintaining the highest standards of patient care and digital integrity. In 2021 the HSE published the HSE National framework for the Governance, Management and Support of Research (RGMS framework). This framework provides governance and management principles for research activity in health services ensuring the rights, dignity, safety and well-being of all involved are protected by facilitating quality research.